Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of the COM-FSM Community,
I hope you enjoyed a happy Easter with family and friends.
There have been a number of important developments at the college during the last few months that should be shared.
During the March meeting of the Board of Regents held in Kosrae, the board reviewed and approved its policies and reviewed and approved a slate of college policies that required no revisions or were determined to be obsolete. This review will continue until January 2016, when it is anticipated that all college policies, including those needing revision will be reviewed by the board. Appropriate committees before submission to the Board of Regents will review policies needing revision. The Board of Regents next meets in Pohnpei in May. An agenda of the meeting will be posted as soon as it is finalized.
The college submitted two substantive change reports to ACCJC in April. One report was submitted to seek approval for the new mission statement developed as part of our strategic planning process and approved by COM-FSM Board of Regents. The second substantive change report requested approval to extend the 3rd Year Certificate in Teacher Preparation to the state campuses on an as needed basis. We will be advised by ACCJC in May should they require any additional information, and whether a visit will be required as part of the review process. The Commission will take action on our submission at its June meeting and we will be informed of their decision in July.
Additionally, ACCJC requested in its July 3, 2013 Action Letter that a Follow-Up Report be submitted by March 15, 2014 demonstrating that we have completely addressed Recommendation 6 related to the Standard III. B. Physical Resources. The college met this recommendation upon completion of the space utilization and facilities master plan study.
Beca Report
Beca’s comprehensive report was finalized in February after the report was presented to the BOR during their meeting in December 2013. The report was made available to the community in March. Presentations regarding the study have been made internally. A presentation was made to President Mori in April. As a result, COM-FSM anticipates it will make a presentation at the SNLC in May 2014. Dates and times will be announced once available.
The Commission also expressed concern about sustained funding from the FSM government and the governments commitment to offset any shortages resulting from reductions in funding from the Compact of Free Association.
In our Follow-Up Report we informed the Commission that the FSM government restored $700,000 in FY2013, and $1.4 million in FY2014, and that we anticipate the government will restore $2.1 million in FY15, through local revenue.
The college will undergo its next comprehensive review by the Commission in spring 2016. A gap analysis is being conducted and other steps are being implemented to ensure accreditation standards are upheld and evidenced to facilitate the review process.
Following faculty workshop days on August 4-5, and consistent with the master planning calendar a college wide summit dedicated to the accreditation self evaluation process and fiscal planning is scheduled for August 6-7. Similar to the visioning summit, mini summits will be conducted at the state campuses throughout the fall to ensure broad based participation by faculty, staff and administration.
The college’s Academic Convocation is scheduled for Friday, August 15th. More details will be provided as plans for the event are finalized.
On April 13, 2014 the college received an approval letter from the US Department of Education as an eligible institution for the Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institute (AANAPISI) Grant, which is funded by the US Department of Education. Now eligible, COM-FSM can apply for funds from USDE to “develop programs and services that improve the retention and success rates of Asian Americans, Native Americans, and Pacific Islander students” (USDE website).
There is some encouraging news regarding Pell Grant as the Pell Grant Protection Act was introduced.
On April 1, Senators Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), and Jack Reed (D-RI) introduced the Pell Grant Protection Act, S. 2194. The following day, ranking member of the House Subcommittee for Higher Education and Workforce Training, Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (D-TX), introduced a companion bill in the House, H.R. 4373. The Pell Grant Protection Act would help strengthen the federal Pell Grant by converting the current discretionary-funded base to a mandatory-funded one, while preserving the mandatory “add-on” amounts. It also would restore year-round Pell Grants, albeit with a less expensive new version. AACC, along with several other higher education associations, supports this legislation.
The maximum Pell Grant is scheduled to increase to $5,785 from the current $5,645 for the award year starting July 1, 2014. If passed this legislation would guarantee Pell Grant funding for the next 10 years, however the amount of the award will be frozen for the same period.
You may notice progress to clear land on the other side of the road at the national campus. Unfortunately, efforts have been hampered by the weather. We remain hopeful that funding may be available to complete a field suitable for athletic events. At his request, we have submitted to President Mori a proposal and request for $3.5 million to construct an athletic complex that includes a track, baseball field, grandstands, and lighting. We will continue to provide updates.
Please be reminded of the student music concert on April 25th at 7pm, and the unveiling ceremony for the COM-FSM stamp in celebration of the college’s 20th anniversary on Wednesday April 30th at 1pm. Both events will be held at the FSM-China Friendship Sports Center Practice Gym.
On Thursday and Friday, April 24-25, the Career and Technical Education programs will hold its annual exhibition. I hope you will join us for these events.
There will be a memorial service to celebrate the life of our dear colleague Mariana Ben-Dereas on Thursday April 24 at 4pm. The memorial service will be held in the FSM-China Friendship Sports Center Practice Gym. Faculty, staff and students are cordially invited to attend.
We prepare for the college’s Commencement on Thursday, May 15th at 9am. As an institution of higher education, no event in the college is as important as commencement. For our students it is a time to recognize and celebrate their academic accomplishments. For the families of our students, commencement provides yet another point of pride. For all of us and for our faculty most especially, commencement is an opportunity to acknowledge our work and success in educating the young men and women who represent the future hopes, dreams and aspirations of the FSM. I am proud of the faculty, staff and administration of COM-FSM and look forward to being among you at this important ceremony on this important day.
Our community has continued to make much progress during the year. While we have much work to do I am optimistic that we will be successful. In the remaining days of this academic year let us renew our commitment to the mission and values of COM-FSM and to each other as valued and respected members of this higher learning community.
Thank you for all of your work, effort and dedication this year in service to the students we serve. Each of us plays an important role in the successful implementation of the mission of COM-FSM. Together, let us look forward to the challenges and opportunities we will surely face in 2015. Given how well we have all come together, how well we communicate with each other, and our shared purpose to secure the future for COM-FSM and our students, we can only grow stronger.
It is a privilege for me to serve you as president.
Warm regards,
Joseph M. Daisy, EdD
President and CEO