October 2014,
Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of the COM-FSM community,
September has been a month of exciting events and ceremonies.
On September 15, 2014, the College officially launched its latest fundraising activity, the 50/50 Raffle Draw. The drawing date is set for December 13, 2014. The goal is to sell 200 tickets to raise $40,000 USD. Each ticket is $200 USD. The winner receives $20,000 USD and the Endowment Fund gets $20,000.
On September 18, 2014, the newly elected Student Body Officers (SBA) for the National Campus were officially inducted. A short ceremony was held in front of the Learning Resource Center (LRC). Acting President Karen Simion led the oath of office and welcomed the newly elected SBA officers. On September 19, 2014, the Kosrae Campus selected its SBA.
September 18-19, the Chinese Embassy had a group of over 20 art performers from China visit Pohnpei to perform. Prior to the 2 day events, the art performers paid a courtesy visit to National Campus on September 15, 2014 and were welcomed by the cabinet. Their performance consisted of martial arts, dance, singing, acrobatics, and magic. The Chinese Embassy collaborated with COM-FSM, Pohnpei State Public Safety, Pohnpei State Hospital and Pohnpei State Education to provide assistance for the event. The FSM-China Friendship Sports Center located on the National Campus was where both events were held. Photos of the event are posted on the College of Micronesia Facebook page.
On September 20, 2014, COM-FSM partnered with the US Embassy to have Dangerflow, an American boy band from Florida, perform at the FSM-China Friendship Sports Center. Photos and videos of Dangerflow are posted on the College of Micronesia Facebook page.
Three forum lectures were held:
On September 19, 2014, the FSM National Government Department: FSM National Police-Micronesia Transnational Crime Unit presented on “Cyber Crimes and Safety Measures”.
On September 24, 2014, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) presented on JICA projects in the region and opportunities.
On October 2, 2014, Mr. Bubba Cook from the World Wildlife Fund in Suva, Fiji gave a lecture on “Careers in Fisheries and the Role of World Wildlife Fund”.
October 8, 2014, the Bank of FSM will be presenting on “How to Start a Business in the FSM” at MITC from 1:00 to 2:00PM.
The following forums and workshop will be held:
On October 19, 2014, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) will be conducting a 2 full day workshop beginning on October 19th. Workshop is on “Things to Know Before You Leave FSM for Abroad”. It will be held at Pohnpei Campus Small Business Development Center Building in Room #2. Workshop begins at 8:00AM. Everyone is welcome to attend.
On November 5, 2014, there will be a panelist consisting of FSM Petrocorp (Vital), EIG (a local company doing renewable energy), possibly both FSM Energy Specialist and Pohnpei State to do a talk about national and state goals regarding Renewable Energy.
On November 26, 2014, Dr. Brian Diettrich, an ethnomusicologist, who specializes in Micronesian and Pacific music will be our guest speaker. He is the head of the Music Studies at The New Zealand School of Music, at Victoria University in New Zealand. His presentation will be on “Silent Objects: Traditional Musical Instruments of Micronesia”.
Everyone is welcome to attend. Forums are open to the public.
In the midst of exciting events occurring on campus, the college administration through the lead of vice president of administrative services presented the 2016 Budget Process to committees on National Campus since August, and traveled to off-island campuses to share the 2016 Budget Process presentation. All departments and offices across the 5 campuses are working on their 2016 budget or have submitted their 2016 budget on September 22, 2014. The 2016 Budget materials are located on the College of Micronesia –FSM website under Administrative Services tab.
Since August 2014, vice president of institutional effectiveness and quality assurance conducted accreditation writing training for the team chairs for their assigned accreditation standards. The first draft of the self-evaluation for each accreditation standard written by assigned accreditation groups will be due on October 30, 2014.
The College administration across the campuses and their departments are closing their loop for the academic year of 2013-2014 on TracDat by end of September 2014, end of fiscal year. A new academic year 2014-2015 should be inputted into Tracdat for all departments across the college campuses. All reports and plans must be completed to ensure TAs and POs will be processed.
On October 7, 2014, the director of maintenance released news that a new generator for the dining hall, residence halls, bookstore and the dispensary building on National Campus is now in commission. This is great news for the college community, as the college is continuously aiming to provide quality service.
FSM Congress has confirmed Mr. Tulensru E. Waguk as the new regent from Kosrae State. On behalf of COM-FSM, I welcome Mr. Tulensru E. Waguk to the college community. Let us not forget Regent Lyndon Cornelius. Regent Cornelius served two terms as a Board of Regent member from November 12, 2007. He was elected as Vice Chairman of the Board of Regents in December 2008. Regent Cornelius has been part of a college era of contributing to positive changes to the overall college operations, and importantly, dedicating his unfailing support to reaffirm COM-FSM’s accreditation status.
Please regularly review the College’s webpage, read the news feeds and attend our All Campus meetings as important information is shared and topics discussed. All Campus meetings provide yet another opportunity for us to be well informed about the opportunities and challenges we face, and the work that we do.
An All Campus Meeting at National Campus is scheduled for October 15, 2014 at MITC from 1-2PM.
I convey my appreciation to you for all your work, effort and dedication to the students we serve. Each of us plays an important role in the successful implementation of the mission of COM-FSM.
It is a privilege for me to serve you as president.
Warm Regards,
Joseph M. Daisy, EdD
President and CEO