Palikir, Pohnpei (September 23, 2014) – The newly elected Student Body Officers (SBA) for the National Campus were officially inducted on September 18, 2014. In a short ceremony held in front of the Learning Resources Center (LRC), Acting President Karen Simion led the swearing in and welcomed the newly elected SBA officers.

National Campus SBA held its 2014-2015 election on September 9-10. According to Director of Residential and Student Life Morehna Santos-Rettin “This year’s election was a success where 62% of the student population participated in the voting process.”

The 2014 SBA Officers election results:

President:  Bernis Pernes   

Bernis currently serves as the Vice President for Friends of Xavier (FOX) organization.  He is a sophomore majoring in Micronesian Studies. 

Vice President: Phlloyd Peter  

Phlloyd Peter is a member of Young Executive Society (YES) club, majoring in Business Administration.

Secretary: Darla Simina     

Darla, a member of ChuChok Association and a recipient of Teacher Corps.  She majors in Elementary Education.

Treasurer: Ryan Eliwise 

Ryan currently serves as the Vice President for Micro Japan Student club.  He also is a member of the Social Science club.  He is majoring in Micronesian Studies.
