September 1, 2014
Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of the COM-FSM Community,
August was indeed a busy month as the College faculty and staff prepared for the new and returning students for this academic year. The months of July and August saw numerous events and initiatives undertaken through the efforts of the administration, faculty and staff.
In mid-July, the Micronesia Registration Advisors (MRA), Inc., a corporation registered and headquartered in Federated States of Micronesia, offered to make a generous donation of $250,000 USD to establish a Center for Entrepreneurship, the first of its kind at COM-FSM, that will be located in the Learning Resource Center on the National Campus. Steven K. Baker, Chairman and President of the MRA pledged and committed to provide $50,000 USD each year for the next five years to the College. The Center for Entrepreneurship will be launched later this month.
On July 31, 2014, the president and chief of staff attended the Asian American and Pacific Islander Association of Colleges and Universities (APIACU) Pacific RIM Conference in Honolulu. Among the many participants were community college and university representatives from Hawaii, and from the neighboring Pacific community colleges and universities. The main purpose of attending the APIACU Pacific RIM Conference was to gather information to position the College to compete for the upcoming Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI) Grant. This is a USD $2 million federal grant for five years to support student retention and success with special focus on Asian American and Pacific Islander students. COM-FSM will prepare and submit a proposal for the AANAPISI Grant early this year. Another grant that the College will also pursue is the US Department of Education TRIO (TRIO) Student Support Services (SSS) Grant that would be in effect for five years. The TRIO SSS Grant application will be submitted during this semester. Results of both grants will be shared upon receipt of notification.
During the first week of August, activities for students, faculty, and staff took place concurrently. Freshmen Orientation occurred on August 4-7, Faculty Workshop on August 4-5, College Fiscal and Accreditation Summit 6-7, and Mini Fiscal and Accreditation Summits are scheduled for the Chuuk, Kosrae and Yap Campuses.
The Board of Regents met on August 8, 2014, at the National Campus. The next scheduled Board of Regents will be held on Yap on December 1-2, 2014.
On August 14, 2014, COM-FSM held an Alumni Association gathering in Honolulu in partnership with the Pacific Islands Development Program (PIDP) at the East West Center located on the University of Hawaii at Manoa Campus. The Alumni Association here has established a point of contact in Honolulu to further strengthen the College community abroad.
On August 22, 2014, the College welcomed President Takashi Hayashita, PhD of Sophia University and President Hiroshi Yamamoto of Sophia University Junior College Division from Japan to the National Campus. A meeting was held between COM-FSM president and Kasio Mida, Chairman of the Board of Regents, and the Sophia University and Junior College Division representatives from Japan to discuss the establishment of a memorandum of understanding. The MOU will serve to provide a dynamic and an enriching educational learning experience for students from COM- FSM and Sophia University Sophia University Junior College Division.
The College hosted an Alumni Association BBQ event at the Spanish Wall Baseball field on August 23, 2014. This year the College aims to strengthen and sustain the partnership with the College’s alumni. Improving efforts to re-establish a COM-FSM Alumni Association is an integral component of the College’s success and building a sense of pride and responsibility for the College as the only national public higher institution in the FSM.
Frankie Harriss, vice president of institutional effectiveness and quality assurance provided accreditation self-evaluation writing team training in August, making the writing process very inclusive to the College faculty and staff. This process will prepare the College in submitting a comprehensive Self Evaluation Report in advance of the spring 2016 team visit. First draft of the report is due by end of October.
Joe Habuchmai, vice president of administrative services and Danny Dumantay, comptroller are making presentations regarding the FY2016 budget process to guide departments through the development of the FY2016 budget.
On August 28, 2014, I presented the College’s facilities master plan and concept framework proposal to the Joint Economic Management Committee (JEMCO). The seventy-four million dollar plan includes the priorities, proposals and project funding needs for the College for each of the three phases over the next fifteen years. The presentation was well received by JEMCO. Now we will focus attention on securing the twenty-four million dollars funding for phase 1.
Important events to keep in mind, on September 24, 2014 (Wednesday) the College will host its first forum lecture for fall 2014 semester. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will make a presentation about its services in the region and how FSM citizens can become more involved. The presentation will be held at the MITC Room National Campus from 1-2PM. All are invited to attend.
Please regularly review the College’s webpage, read the newsfeeds and attend our All Campus meetings as important information is shared and topics discussed. All Campus meetings provide yet another opportunity for us to be well informed about the opportunities and challenges we face, and the work that we do.
I convey my appreciation to you for all your work, effort and dedication to the students we serve. Each of us plays an important role in the successful implementation of the mission of COM-FSM.
It is a privilege for me to serve you as president.
Warm Regards,
Joseph M. Daisy, EdD
President and CEO