President’s Message to the Community – December

College Mission Statement: The College of Micronesia-FSM is a learner-centered institution of higher education that is committed to the success of the Federated States of Micronesia by providing academic and career & technical educational programs characterized by continuous improvement and best practices.

December has arrived with many events at the college as we end the fall 2021 semester.

FY 2023 Budget Preparation: The college spent the fall semester preparing the fiscal year 2023 Budget for submission to FSM Congress by January 15, 2022. The process involves meetings with faculty, staff, each of the campuses, cabinet, finance committee, and executive committee. Budgets are based on program assessments to establish priorities in meeting the college mission and 2018-2023 strategic plan. The Board of Regents will review the operating portion of the budget in a special electronic vote pending the hearings being held on a proposed tuition increase. All other sections of the budget were endorsed for FSM Congress review.

Tuition Increase Proposal: The college is proposing a $10 increase in tuition for certificate and associate programs and an $30 increase in tuition for baccalaureate courses. The first hearing was held on December 1 at an all-campus meeting, the second hearing was for students on December 8, and a third hearing will be held for communities on December 15 at 3:00 pm. Please contact your local campus for details on how to join the community hearing on December 15.

Fall 2021 Graduation: The college is anticipating a total of 182 fall graduates across the college; 24 from the Career & Technical Education Center, 27 from Chuuk Campus, 9 from Kosrae Campus, 106 from National Campus, and 16 from Yap.  Graduates from spring 2020, fall 2020, and spring 2021 are invited to join the December 17 celebration since this is the first in person graduation we have held since the pandemic. In observance of continued social distancing requirements, guests will be limited to three per graduate.

Employee of the Year: Congratulations to Dr. Danilo Mamangon as the first Employee of the Year! The employee of the year is selected from this year’s employees of the month. Dr. Mamangon was employee of the month for September. He has taught math at the college for 26 years mainly at Chuuk Campus, but also for a short time at National Campus. He was born on October 17, 1957 in Baguio City, Philippines. He is married and has two sons. Dr. Mamangon holds a bachelor’s degree in secondary education, a master’s degree in mathematics education and a doctorate in math. Dr. Mamangon has demonstrated exceptional teamwork and professionalism throughout his 26 years at the college and is highly respected by all.

The college held an Appreciation Dinner for 25th Anniversary major donors to the college endowment fund on December 10, 2021 after a long delay due to the pandemic. Executive Director of the Tuna Commission, Feleti Penitala Teo, OBE, generously allowed the college to hold the event at the Tuna Commission facility. The college is thankful to have been able to use the facility for multiple events. The major donors are: FSM National Government, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, FSM Congressman Ferny Perman, Bank of Guam, Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Ruri E. Ayuyu, National Fisheries Corporation, Vital, FSM Telecommunications, Bank of FSM, Matson, ACE Hardware & ACE Office Supply, FSM Development Bank, FSM Vice Speaker Esmond Moses, and Tann Siu Lin Foundations. Thank you to all donors for their support to the college.

Happy Holiday Season! On behalf of all at COM-FSM we wish you a very Happy Holiday Season. Celebrate safely and enjoy the season with family and friends. The college offices will be closed December 23 & 24, and 30 & 31.

I express my heartfelt appreciation to you for all your work, efforts, and dedication to the students we serve. The last year has been a year of many changes and each of you have provided support for each other and for the students. We look forward to the challenges of more changes in the future. The mission, values and plans that have carried us forward the past few years will continue to guide COM-FSM’s purpose.

It is an honor for me to serve you as interim president.


Karen Simion,

Interim President
