Dear Members of the College Community,
In my October 14th message to the community, it was reported that the summary report and results of the ACCJC Rubrics Survey would be released this week. As promised, the full report is available online. The results should further guide our purposeful dialogue and work toward achieving Proficiency level for all three ACCJC Institutional Effectiveness Rubrics by December 21012 and Continuous Quality Improvement level by December 2013.
As well, and in conjunction with the report on the ACCJC Rubrics Survey, the Strengthening Purposeful Dialogue update, the cumulative report regarding the results and recommendations from the ongoing assessment of the Communications Plan which will inform our strategic planning efforts is also available online. Through the assessments of the Communications Plan and the related purposeful dialogue at the May workshop and the Visioning Summit in August, it is clear that communications needs to be front and center for us, and be an integral part of the strategic plan as we continue our path to “the place of enlightenment.”
Additionally, I would like to invite you to attend an all campus meeting on Friday, October 26th from 1:15-1:45 in MITC Rooms I and II during which an accreditation update will be provided and a six month progress report on the status of the white paper; COM-FSM Quality, Sustainability, and Success: A Framework for Planning and Action. The progress report provides a clear assessment of what has been completed and what we have left to do to achieve accreditation related work articulated in April, 2012. I encourage and welcome your attendance at this important campus meeting.
Joseph M. Daisy, Ed.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer