February 28, 2014
Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of the COM-FSM Community,
There have been a number of important developments at the college during the last few months that should be shared. During the February meeting of the COM Land Grant Board, the college presented an Accreditation Funding from COM-Land Grant: Brief Progress Report documenting progress on a plan supporting accreditation activities that was funded last year for $75,000. The college presented another proposal, the February 2014 Proposal for Accreditation Funding from COM-Land Grant, and requested for $85,000 funding to further support a wide range of accreditation activities. The proposal was approved. We are especially grateful to the Board of Regents for COM-Land Grant for their continued support for the college and its commitment to meeting accreditation Standards and Eligibility Requirements. These two funded proposals provide us the opportunity to identify and address areas for improvement in anticipation of our comprehensive accreditation team visit in spring 2016.
The college will submit two substantive change reports to ACCJC in March. One report is submitted to seek approval for the new mission statement developed as part of our strategic planning process and approved by COM-FSM Board of Regents. The second substantive change report will request approval to offer the 3rd Year Certificate of Achievement in Teacher Preparation-Elementary program at the state campuses on an as needed basis. Both reports are important in that they address longstanding needs.
Additionally, ACCJC requested in its July 3, 2013 Action Letter that a Follow-Up Report be submitted by March 15, 2014 demonstrating that we have completely addressed Recommendation 6 related to the Standard III. B. Physical Resources.
The Commission also expressed concern about sustained funding from the FSM government and the government’s commitment to offset any shortages resulting from reductions in funding from the Compact of Free Association. We will be able to inform the Commission that the FSM government restored $700,000 in FY2013, and $1.4 million in FY2014, and that we anticipate the government will restore $2.1 million in FY15, through local revenue. We continue to express our profound gratitude to President Mori, to members of Congress, to national and states leaders for their support now and in the years to come.
On February 21st the college appeared before the Executive Budget Review Committee to provide insight into the development of the college’s FY2015 budget and to answer any related questions. From my perspective the meeting went well, and the budget was well received. We will continue to advocate for the college and the budget in support of the mission statement, strategic plan, Integrated Educational Master Plan (IEMP) and priorities.
Several priorities have been identified related to facilities through the space utilization and facilities master planning process. The comprehensive report is being finalized and it is anticipated that the study will be available in March. Presentations regarding the study are being prepared and we will inform you of dates and times should you wish to attend.
You may notice progress to clear land on the other side of the road at the national campus. We are hopeful that funding may be available to complete a field suitable for athletic events. We are in the process of developing a proposal and request for funding to share with the Olympic Committee and organizers for the Micronesian Games. We will continue to provide updates.
Finally, COM-FSM Board of Regents will meet in Kosrae from March 21-25. A copy of the agenda of the meeting will be posted as soon as it is finalized.
Thank you for all of your work, effort and dedication this year in service to the students we serve. Each of us plays an important role in the successful implementation of the mission of COM-FSM. Together, let us continue to move forward to address the challenges we face and embrace the opportunities available. Given how well we have come together, how well we communicate with each other, and our shared purpose to secure the future for COM-FSM and our students, we can only grow stronger.
It is a privilege for me to serve you as president.
Warm regards,
Joseph M. Daisy, EdD
President and CEO