November 20, 2018

Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of the COM-FSM Community,

On Thursday, many of us will gather to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. To everyone who will join in giving thanks on this day, I extend to you my warmest best wishes. Whether you will formally celebrate Thanksgiving Day or not, I would ask that we give thanks as a community.

There is much for which to be thankful. Most importantly, the members of our community, the people who comprise COM-FSM are thanked for your service to the college and the students we serve. Our students and their parents are thanked for choosing COM-FSM as the place to learn and achieve dreams. We are also fortunate and grateful for a supportive Board of Regents. As well, we continue to express our thanks for the support from our national and state leaders, and look forward to their continued support for the important work of the college in service to the nation.

We should also be thankful that we are able to come together as a community, as well as we do, to tackle the challenges we face, both small and large. For this and for your support, as president, I am most grateful.

On December 4, 2018, the Board of Regents will meet in Guam. Included on the agenda for their review and consideration will be the proposed FY 2020 Budget. Many of you have been instrumental in the development of this proposed budget, and while it will require difficult decisions to implement, it is achievable.

Meetings were held with the executive committee, cabinet, finance committee, and the budget process had broad involvement through respective governance committees. It is my belief that the budget process was and will continue to be transparent and that communication will be broad and effective. Information was presented and input welcomed throughout the budget development stages. Information and documentation of the budget process can be found on the VPAS section of the website, and everyone is encouraged to review them.

The 2020 Budget reflects our commitment to the mission of the college, our strategic plan, and the integrated educational master plan (IEMP).

Once the budget is approved by the Board of Regents, it will be submitted to the FSM by January 15, 2019. However, we will continue throughout the current fiscal year to develop and implement strategies to mitigate the impact of the impending 2019 budget challenges. Again your participation and purposeful dialogue especially through the governance committees of the college is essential to maintain the strong financial position of the college.

I convey my appreciation to you for all of your work, efforts, and dedication to the students we serve. We have all been called upon to “chart our course for the next generation.” Given how well we have come together, how well we communicate with each other, and our shared purpose to secure the future for COM-FSM and our students, we can only grow stronger.

It is a privilege for me to serve you as your president.

Warm regards,

Joseph M. Daisy, Ed.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer
