May 30, 2014

Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of the COM-FSM Community,

The month is coming to an end, and we all have a lot to be grateful and proud of the ongoing academic and administrative efforts that are centered toward strengthening the college community.

I would like to reflect and recount the events and accomplishments that we, as students, faculty, staff, and friends of the college, achieved together.

During April 23-28, 2014, Mr. David Adams, a Sandy Pond Consultant, worked with staff members at the national campus. He will assist Vice President of Administrative Services, Director of Maintenance and Chief of Security to develop an “Emergency Preparedness Procedures Manual” for the college. Mr. Adams will continue to work with Chief of Staff to create “Policy on Policy” procedure. Completion of documents will be shared once finalized and approved.

In addition to developing a college manual and procedure, the college is also working towards tapping into a new source of funding. Now, as an eligible institution for the Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institute (AANAPISI) Grant, COM-FSM can apply for funds from USDOE to “develop programs and services that improve the retention and success rates of Asian Americans, Native Americans, and Pacific Islander students” (USDOE website).

Another fund that the college is currently undertaking is a 1.5 million dollar proposal for the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR) provided by the Asian Development Bank.  The 1.5 million dollars proposal is to create a college scholarship fund and a business seed grant for Micronesian students.

The college continues to receive donations from the communities abroad. On May 1, 2014, the Career and Technical Education received Mobile Training Toolkits donated by the Arizona State University under the sponsorship of USAid.

COM-FSM is an advocate of providing opportunities for our students, faculty, and staff. On April 8-10, 2014, the national campus held its Watson Training & Development for administrators and managers both from National and Pohnpei Campus. Trainings were focused on 3 topics: Setting and Communicating Performance Expectations, Deciding How to Handle Performance Problems, and Improving Employee Work Habits. Next month, on June 30-July 6, 2014, 12 students and 1 chaperone will represent COM-FSM on an Aichi Prefecture Annual Student Exchange Program in Japan.

During this month, dates have been set for important events in August. Faculty Workshop is on August 4-5. College Summit is on August 6-7. August Board Meeting is scheduled for August 8, and the Academic Convocation is on August 15.

Continuous efforts to strengthen COM-FSM remain a top priority for the institution. With our renewed efforts with the signing of the new MOU to launch the career and technical education program, along with the partnership through an MOU with UOG to bring in the Small Business Development Program to support our Pohnpei small business training needs, the college solicits Pohnpei State government in seeking funding through the private sector component of the Compact Fund to allocate matching funds in the amount of $100,000. The matching fund will assist the college to engage the technical expertise of the UOG Small Business Development Program to support the training at Pohnpei Campus.

COM-FSM is proposing to build the COM-FSM Community Health Center to be located within the grounds of the National Campus. The proposed project will develop a bridging activity center between the COM-FSM and its community, helps the local government of Pohnpei in delivering the needed health service within the area of Palikir, and strengthen the skills and knowledge of the COM-FSM student enrolled in the different health fields. COM-FSM will be a public entity community center, managed under an agreement between COM-FSM, Pohnpei State Government specifically through the Division of Public Health. Requested funding is $1,705,970.

Another important aspect of the college is the endowment fund. On April 1, 2014, the college held its Founding Day on the national campus. The students, staff, and faculty raised a total of $14, 154.48. Then on May 10, 2014, the college held its 2014 5k Fun Run/Walk Event. The event was sponsored by Matson Navigation Company, Guam. Amount raised was $2,469 and counting. Remaining t-shirts are being sold.

An update on the Space Utilization and Facilities Master Plan study was presented to the SNLC on May 22-23, 2014 at the FSM-China Friendship Sport Center Practice Gym.

The college has received a positive response for the two substantive change reports that were submitted to ACCJC in April. The report to seek approval of the new mission statement was accepted. The new mission statement reads now as “The College of Micronesia-FSM is a learner-centered institution of higher education that is committed to the success of the Federated States of Micronesia by providing academic, career and technical educational programs characterized by continuous improvement and best practices.” The second substantive change report requested approval to extend the 3rd Year Certificate in Teacher Preparation to the state campuses on an as needed basis was also approved and accepted.

Furthermore, the Board of Regents meeting was held at the Pohnpei Campus at the Blue Plate Café on May 28, 2014, and a community meeting was scheduled on May 29, 2014 at the Student Support Center which was well attended.

Thank you for all of your work, effort and dedication this year in service to the students we serve. Each of us plays an important role in the successful implementation of the mission of COM-FSM. Together, let us continue to move forward to address the challenges we face and embrace the opportunities that are available. Given how well we have come together, how well we communicate with each other, and our shared purpose to secure the future for COM-FSM and our students, we can only grow stronger.

It is a privilege for me to serve you as president.

Warm regards,

Joseph M. Daisy, EdD

President and CEO
