March 26, 2015
Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of the COM-FSM Community,
During the months of February and March, the National Campus held numerous forums at the Media and Instructional Technology Center (MITC) room. The following forums were:
On February 4, 2015, the COM-FSM Public Health Program students presented on “ What is Cervical Cancer. ” Information such as the cause, the effects, and treatments for cervical cancer were shared. The students also provided statistics of cervical cancer in the community and days and times when the Pohnpei Public Hospital opens for check-ups. Many people in our community are not aware of the information regarding cervical cancer, and this is what prompted them to educate and hold a lecture session.
On February 16, 2105, the US Army recruiters shared information about the US Army life and educational opportunities that were available. Over 50 students attended including staff and faculty. Some students asked very good questions, and made comments to the presentation. One of the comments made was that recruiters should inform both the advantages and disadvantages of Army life in order for students to make an informed decision.
The US Army test was scheduled at Pohnpei Campus Student Center on February 21, 2015, at 9AM for students who were interested.
On February 25, 2015, and February 27, 2015, these forums were dedicated to the FSM Congress election. The college wanted to provide a platform for the candidates to speak to the community about their purpose and reasons seeking election or re-election to public office. It was a team effort by the president’s office and the Micronesian Studies Program to create a forum during the time of election. The participants were: Pohnpei State Governor John Ehsa, FSM Speaker Dohsis Halbert, Congressman Peter M. Christian, Congressman David Panuelo, and Mr. Selestino Marquez.
On March 11, 2015, the JICA Alumni Association- Pohnpei Branch, the JICA Japanese Volunteers, Pohnpei State Hospital, Mr. Rick Herman (certified CPR instructor) and COM-FSM presented on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Mr. Rick Herman lectured on “Basics of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Airway Obstruction” and Dr. Payne Perman from the Pohnpei State Hospital shared case stories from Pohnpei State Hospital. Dr. Perman mentioned that all his patients that arrived at the emergency room received no CPR prior to arrival. Dr. Perman stressed that if CPR were taught in the community there is a chance that someone’s life could be saved. Individuals at the forum were able to practice on mannequins on how to do CPR.
Past Events:
The Board of Regents met in Yap State from February 19-20, 2015. The meeting was held at the Small Business Center. At the meeting, the board elected Mr. Churchill Edward as the Chairman, Dr. Tulensru Waguk as Vice Chairman, Mr. Jesse Salalu as Secretary/Treasurer. There were presentations made by participants. Mr. Daniel Roland from Smith Barney shared the college’s investments. The Vice Presidents and Chief of Staff presented on policies to be adopted, and Mr. Wilson Hess (consultant) and Ms. Josie Cajipe discussed the assessment of the business office. For more details, the February 19-20, 2015 agenda is posted under the Board of Regents tab.
The meeting continued in Pohnpei at the COM-FSM National Campus on March 19, 2015. Reports were made by the President and Vice Presidents. The Director of Institutional Research and Planning Office shared a presentation on the student enrollment trends, VPIEQA shared the COM-FSM High Performance Team Mini-Work Plan on Student Success, VPSS presented on the Foundation of Excellence, and other VPs shared important highlights from their reports. The board was pleased to learn how the college is now focusing its efforts on Student Success based on the reports and presentation shared.
On March 20, 2015, the Soccer Field Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held at the FSM-China Friendship Sports Center, Practice Gym at 10AM. The soccer field was created through the Project of Non-Communicable Disease in Sokehs Municipality Grant provided by the Embassy of Japan on March 18, 2014.
Upcoming Events to Mark Down:
Founding Day is next week Monday, March 30, 2015. It is a working day for college employees. Faculty and staff if not assigned a task should report to the Spanish Wall at 8AM. Everyone is encouraged to participate.
The next Board of Regents’ meeting will be held in Chuuk State on April 29-30, 2015.
March 31, 2015 is FSM Cultural Day and April 3, 2015 is Good Friday. College will be closed during these days.
Announcements from Vice Presidents
Vice President of Instructional Affairs:
Faculty Development for Pohnpei and National Campus was held on National Campus at the FSM-China Sports Center, Practice Gym on March 13, 2015. It was a full day workshop for faculty addressing ACCJC Accreditation Standard IIA, Student Success, “Just in Time Intervention” and Authentic Assessment.
Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Quality Assurance:
Self Evaluation teams for the ACCJC accreditation standards will be meeting with Mr. James Mulik on May 4, 2015, to May 8, 2015. Then from June 1, 2015, to June 8, 2015, Mr. David Adams will be on island to assist with the writing teams. Team leaders are encouraged to schedule appointments with Mr. Mulik and Mr. Adams.
Vice President for Cooperative Research and Extension:
Yap Research and Extension Special Projects:
- Dr. Murukesan is presently addressing a Climate Smart Agriculture conference in Montpellier, France after representing the FSM Government at a Bio-Security conference in Cancum, Mexico. He will return through Pohnpei during the week of March 23-29, 2015, where we will hold the inaugural ceremony with USAID for the PACAM project.
Residence Instruction and Distance Education Developments:
- Stakeholder meeting conducted to prepare for grant application for the RFA which is expected within two weeks.
- RIIA students assistant has
- Established a Facebook page to stay in touch with university students;
- Conducted the student situation survey to follow the agriculture students from 2004 to present;
- Posted the scholarship information and application forms on our website and shared them with the Financial Aid Office;
- Collaborated with state and national scholarship offices to share information.
- Regional Breadfruit Initiative Conferences
- The Pohnpei meeting had 130 participants.
- Immediate request for breadfruit starting materials for the atolls of Nukuoro and Kapingamarangi. 300 breadfruit materials were sent out with the last Voyager trip.
- A demonstration flour mill has been received and set up at the Pohnpei CES office with the assistance from JICA and Saimon Mix as he is Chair of Pohnpei Farmers Association and entrepreneur in flour production.
- The Pohnpei meeting had 130 participants.
- The Chuuk meeting had 50 participants.
Vice President for Student Services:
March 23-March 27, 2015, is early summer registration
College fair will be inviting new students who took the COMET. Dates for the fair at respective campus are as follow:
- March 23, 2015, for Kosrae Campus
- March 27, 2015, for Chuuk Campus
- April 7, 2015, for Pohnpei and National Campus
- April 16, 2015, for Yap Campus
Results from the January 26, 2015 – February 13, 2015 COMET testing. 1,456 students across FSM took the COMET. This does not include high schools from Weipat, Moch, and Mortlocks atolls in Chuuk State, and Woleai atoll in Yap State. Results show that 70% are placed into the degree programs, ACE and certificate, while 30% of the 1,456 did not pass.
I convey my appreciation to you for all your work, effort and dedication to the students we serve. Each of us plays an important role in the successful implementation of the mission of COM-FSM.
It is a privilege for me to serve you as president.
Warm Regards,
Joseph M. Daisy, EdD
President and CEO