December 11, 2018

Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of the COM-FSM Community,

Season’s Greetings! During this special time of the year let us be reminded of the many things for which we are grateful. We should be especially grateful to the FSM Congress for demonstrating continued support for the college.

Our community has made much progress during the past year, including ACCJC approval of the college’s first baccalaureate degree in Elementary Education. Congratulations and sincere thanks to Sue Moses as the architect and primary author of the substantive change report, and to the entire education faculty across the college for efforts to establish the BS in Elementary Education. The implementation of the program in fall 2019 will go a long way in meeting the critical education and teacher needs of the nation.

While we have much work to do, I am optimistic that we will be successful. In the remaining days of 2018 and as we prepare to enter a new year, let us renew our commitment to the mission and core values of COM-FSM and to each other as valued and respected members of this higher learning community.

At the recent Board of Regents meeting in Guam, the FY 2020 budget was approved. The budget reflects the needs, goals, and objectives articulated in the integrated educational master plan and supports ongoing fulfillment of the college’s mission. Continued financial support for the FY 2020 budget by the FSM Congress, especially the provision of $2.8 million decremented by JEMCO will be critical to our ability to achieve the integrated educational master plan and to continue to meet ACCJC Standards, and USDE requirements. Such financial support from our nation’s leaders will support our accreditation related commitment to continuous quality improvement and to student success.

We prepare for the college’s 68th Commencement on Wednesday, December 19th at 9:00 AM. As an institution of higher education, no event in the college is as important as commencement. For our students it is a time to recognize and celebrate their academic accomplishments. For the families of our students, commencement provides yet another point of pride. For all of us and for our faculty most especially, commencement is an opportunity to acknowledge our work and success in educating the young men and women who represent the future hopes, dreams, and aspirations of the FSM. I am proud of the faculty, staff, and administration of COM-FSM and look forward to being among you at this important ceremony on this important day.

Thank you for all of your work, effort, and dedication this year in service to the students we serve. Each of us plays an important role in the fulfillment of the mission of COM-FSM. Together, let us look forward to the challenges and opportunities we will surely face in 2019.

It is a privilege for me to serve you as your president.

Please accept my wishes for a holiday season filled with joy, and a happy and healthy New Year.

Warm regards,


Joseph M. Daisy, EdD, President & CEO
