September 7, 2016

Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of the COM-FSM Community,

It is with profound sadness and regret that I inform you the college recently received third party information regarding an employee’s misconduct. The college takes such allegations seriously, immediately acting upon the information when it was received.

Investigations into this matter were undertaken in consultation with the Chief of Campus Safety and Security, Human Resources, Security Consultant, and Legal advisor.

The employee was presented with the information regarding the allegations of misconduct and immediately resigned. The subsequent investigation confirmed serious breaches of discipline, as outlined in the COM-FSM Policies, specifically BP6019, BP6020, BP6029 and Standards of Professional Conduct, specifically Chapter 7.

Title IX provisions and requirements (of the Higher Education Opportunity Act 2008 (Amending the Higher Education Act 1965) relating to this incident will be addressed by Chief Ching, Acting Title IX Coordinator.

The college will share the outcome of the investigation with Pohnpei State Police.

Finally, I urge faculty, staff and students to report information regarding allegations of inappropriate behavior or other misconduct, consistent with college policies.

It is a privilege for me to serve you as president.



Joseph M. Daisy, EdD
