The World Health Organization reported a total of 571,678 cases of COVID-19 worldwide on March 28, 2020. The Center for Disease Control reports the United States now has the most reported cases at 101,242 cases. Guam now has 51 cases and Hawaii 120 presumptive or positive cases as reported by the Hawaii State Government.
The FSM National Government posted an update on March 25, 2020 stating Yap has now joined Chuuk and Pohnpei in prohibiting disembarkation of aircraft passengers until further notice. Cargo services will continue and are encouraged. FSM citizens are prohibited from outbound travel to COVID-19 countries, states, and territories. The Government’s approval is required for special circumstances. Cargo ships are to continue service to the islands and must comply with extra health precaution measures.
The good news is the FSM still has no confirmed cases of COVID-19. The FSM President states, “All FSM citizens and residents are encouraged to avoid large gatherings and abide by their State’s relevant declaration or emergency order throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. ‘Be safe and be with our family,’ President Panuelo said. “Above all else, stay put-this isn’t the time for travel or large gatherings, but it is precisely the time to be safe, be healthy, and be with your loved ones.” (
The college remains closed except for essential services until further notice and continues to keep the health and safety of students, faculty and staff a priority.
- The college does not recommend any students traveling at this time as advised by the National Government. If a parent chooses to make arrangements for their son/daughter at this time the college will need the request in writing and the permission granted by the Government for travel. The college will safely transport the student from the residence hall to the airport. At that point full responsibility for the student lies with the parents. The exception to this is the students on their way to Yap by ship and a possible group of students going to Kosrae by ship this week.
- More than half of the residence hall students have returned home. There is a group of Yapese students currently waiting in Chuuk for the H1 ship from Yap to arrive and take them back to Yap. The ship is due to depart Chuuk on March 30 or 31, and is scheduled to arrive in Yap on April 8, 2020.
- We are hoping to assist a group of Kosraen students to Kosrae on board Voyager some time during this week (March 30 – April 3). If the ship cannot be arranged the students will remain in the residence halls. According to the FSM Vice President, the Voyager ship will be scheduled sometime next week to leave for Kosrae to take the students. We are not sure if this will materialize as Kosrae is on lock down.
- Any student remaining on campus will be well taken care of and the residence halls will remain OPEN:
- Students are located in a restricted community on campus as of March 20, 2020. This area includes the residence halls, dining hall, counseling office, bookstore, and gym. College staff members also stay in the restricted community until further notice. The college has secured sufficient food, medicine, and other items to keep the students safe for at least 3 months.
- The staff members will check students’ and employees’ health status regularly. Anyone showing symptoms or getting sick will be moved to an isolation room in the gym and transported to the hospital if necessary. College employees have been trained by health professionals on how to administer proper care to anyone showing symptoms.
- We will support students to make informed decisions about the developing situation and the options and risks present.
- No one is allowed into the restricted community. If anyone chooses to leave the restricted community, that person will not be allowed back in.
- The same support and precautions have been arranged for the cadets at FSM-FMI. The entire campus at FMI is the restricted area.
Female Resident Hall 320-4688
Male Residence Hall 320-2445
FSM-FMI 350-5395
- PPMO comes in twice a week and processes mails for delivery notice to staff and faculty.
- Maintenance worked Tuesday and Thursday last week cutting grass on campus. A maintenance bus driver was available to help transport four students from Yap to the airport to travel to Chuuk. Standby staff for the generators on campus responded to power outages.
The community should continue to check for regular updates on the website and other college social media pages. Employees should check email accounts regularly for additional updates and information.
It is now time to take a moment or two of silence to think of all those affected by this pandemic. Stay safe and healthy.