FSM continues to remain COVID-19 virus free due to strict guidelines and actions taken by the National and State governments. FSM 21st Congress Resolution 21-175 has extended the emergency health declaration until September 30, 2020.

Everyone needs to continue to practice health and safety:

  • Practice social distancing
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Stay home if you are sick or caring for someone who is sick.

Drive Thru Graduation July 29, 2020
Due to this unprecedented health (COVID-19) crisis, the college did not organize commencement exercises supposedly scheduled in May 2020 to recognize our graduates of spring 2020. However, the college has worked diligently to provide alternatives that will give our graduates the recognition they so deserve. As such, a “drive thru” commencement ceremony will be held on Wednesday, 29 July 2020, at 9:00 AM, in front of the LRC building, to honor our spring and summer 2020 graduates.

College plans for fall 2020 semester with classes starting on August 17, 2020.
Courses will be offered online, a mix of online and face-to-face and some face-to-face courses. The fall schedule is available on MyShark. Early registration begins July 20 and ends August 1. Regular registration begins August 12-14. Check the college Newsfeed How to Register Online for Fall 2020.

Services for Fall Semester:
Virtual counseling and tutoring services will be available. Currently, the department is working on procuring computers that will be distributed at each campus location to serve as terminals for students enabling them to virtually meet either our counselors or tutors, in addition to equivalent services that are currently available in-person, though with some restrictions due to our preventive measures. Once the help desk app is up and operational, we foresee that students will use this app to contact either our counselors or tutors for virtual counseling or tutoring sessions. We plan to have at least two terminals at each campus, accessible to students.

Orientation for new, transfer and returning students
EMSS will work on delivering orientation for new, transfer and returning students in an online or virtual mode, which will be in a video presentation that will be posted on the college’s website and can be viewed by students at any convenient time.

Requirements for visiting any college campus
The campus remains closed to the public. Should anyone have business on campus, you must follow the requirements below:

  • Starting August 3, 2020, all (faculty, staff, students and other stakeholders who will be coming on campus) must wear facial masks or facial covering when they’re on campus. The college will not provide masks for free, but they are available in the campus bookstores.
  • COM-FSM photo identification cards should be prominently worn on the right breast or on a lanyard from the neck while on campus — be on work schedule or visiting. IDs cannot be worn on a shirtsleeve, pants, outside of pocket, under shirt, coat jacket or at the bottom of the shirt. Visitors may acquire a visitor’s ID from security stationed at the entrance. Security officer may also check the temperature.