Download PDF version of Agenda.
- Call to order; moment of silent prayer
- Reading of mission statement
- Roll call; declaration of quorum
- Election of Officers
- Review of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes
- Communications
- Regent’s reports
- President’s report
- Old business
- New business
- Beca Report*
- FY 2015 operation budget
- FY 2015 FSM FMI budget*
- FY 2015 Auxiliary Enterprise budget*
- FY 2015 BookStore
- FY 2015 Dinning Halls
- FY 2015 Board of Regents budget*
- Funding for Friends of the college of Micronesia-FSM Inc.*
- Scuba diving class fee*
- Executive Session
- President Daisy’s Contract
- President Evaluation
- Next meeting
- Adjournment
*action items