Download PDF version of Agenda.

  1. Call to order; moment of silent prayer
  2. Reading of mission statement
  3. Roll call; declaration of quorum
  4. Review of agenda
  5. Approval of Minutes
    1. May 6-7, 2013, regularl meeting
  6. Communications
  7. Regent’s reports
  8. President’s report
    1. President
    2. Administrative Services
    3. Instructional Affairs
    4. Institutional Effectiveness and Quality Assurance
    5. Student Services
    6. Cooperative Research and Extension
    7. Faculty/Staff Senate
    8. Student Body Association
  9. Old business
    1. Update on Metropolitan West Capital Management
    2. Upate on Beca Space Utilization Study
    3. COMET: A Brief History
  10. New business
    1. Accreditation – Dr. Barbara Beno
    2. Computer Training Workshop
  11. Executive Session
  12. Next meeting
  13. Adjournment

*action items
