December 15-16, 2015
Pohnpei Campus

  1. Call to order; Moment of Silent Prayer
  2. Reading of Mission Statement
  3. Roll Call; Declaration of Quorum
  4. Election of officers
  5. Review of Agenda
  6. Approval of Minutes
    1. August 6-7, 2015, meeting
    2. August 7, 2015, executive meeting
    3. Decisions by polling
  7. Communications
    1. Letter from Sen.Sheldon Neth
  8. Regent’s Report
  9. President’s Report
    1. President
      1. Outstanding Board directives
    2. Institutional Effectiveness and Quality Assurance
    3. Instructional Affairs
    4. Enrollment Management and Student Services
    5. Cooperative Research and Extension
    6. Administrative Services
      1. Financial Status Report
      2. Updated 5 Year Financial Plan
  10. Old Business
    1. Interpretation of Article V. Section 4, of the board bylaws*
  11. New Business
    1. FY 2017 operations budget*
      1. Consolidated Budget
    2. FY 2017 FSM FMI budget*
      1. FMI Campus FY 2017 Budget
    3. FY 2017 auxiliary enterprise budget*
      1. FY2017 BookStore
      2. FY2017 Dining Hall
    4. FY 2017 Board of Regents Budget*
      1. FY2017 BOR Budget
    5. Institutional Self Evaluation of Educational Quality and Institutional Effectiveness*
    6. Deletion of Programs*
      1. Memo to CAC
    7. IA Policy Review*
      1. Instructional Affairs BOR Policy Review
      2. BP1500 Roles of Campuses
      3. BP1510 Associate Degree Programs
      4. BP1520 Certificate of Achievement and Programs
      5. BP1530 Short Term Training
      6. BP1560 Small Business Development Center
      7. BP3309 Syllabus
    8. Policy on campus shuttle
      1. BP7004 Inter-Campus Shuttle Service
    9. Mission Fulfillment Indicator Report
    10. Institution-set standards
    11. Policy Deletion
      1. BP2002 Continuous Improvement Cycle
    12. EMSS Policy Review
      1. BP4904 Chewing Betel Nut and/or Tobacco Use Policy
      2. BP4905 Alcohol Policy
      3. BP4906 Illicit Drug Policy
      4. BP4907 Policy on Banned Weapons
      5. BP4908 Policy on Threats of Violence
      6. BP4909 Policy on Acts of Violence
      7. BP4910 Policy on Being an Accessory to Violence
      8. BP4911 Policy on Use of Banned Weapon Together With Any Other Forms of Violence
      9. BP4912 Use of Alcohol in the Commission of the Act of Violence
  12. Executive Session
    1. Evaluation of the President
    2. Self-Evaluation
  13. Next Meeting
  14. Adjournment

*action items
