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May 3, 2016

  1. Call to order; Moment of Silent Prayer
  2. Reading of Mission Statement
  3. Roll Call; Declaration of Quorum
  4. Review of Agenda
  5. Approval of Minutes
    1. December 15, 2015, meeting
  6. Communications
  7. Regent’s Report
  8. President’s Report
    1. President
      1. Outstanding Board directives
    2. Administrative Services
      1. Financial Status Report
    3. Cooperative Research and Extension
    4. Instructional Affairs
    5. StudentServices
    6. Institutional Effectiveness and Quality Assurance
  9. Old Business
  10. New Business
    1. Mission Fulfillment Indicators
    2. Institution Set-Standards and Strategic Plan Measures of Success
    3. Strategic Plan and IEMP Evaluation Report
    4. Core Values (Summary)
    5. Core Values Working Group Report
  11. Executive Session
  12. Next Meeting
  13. Adjournment

*action items
