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Agenda File Collection 12-2016


December 1, 2016
Yap State

  1. Call to order; Moment of Silent Prayer
  2. Reading of Mission Statement
  3. Roll Call; Declaration of Quorum
  4. Election of Officers
  5. Review of Agenda
  6. Approval of Minutes
    1. August 4, 2016 meeting
  7. Communications
    1. Letter from Yap Governor Ganngiyan
    2. Letter from Rotary Club of Pohnpei-FSM
  8. Regent’s Report
  9. President’s Report
    1. President
    2. Administrative Services
    3. Institutional Effectiveness and Quality Assurance
    4. Instructional Affairs
    5. Enrollment Management and Student Services
  10. Old Business
  11. New Business
    1. FY 2018 operations budget*
      1. Operations Budget
    2. FMI FY 18 Budget*
      1. FMI Budget
    3. FY 2018 auxiliary enterprise budgets*
      1. Bookstore Budget
      2. Dining Hall Budget
    4. FY 2018 Board of Regents budget*
      1. BOR FY-18 Budget
    5. BOR fundraising budget*
    6. Revised faculty workload policy (BP 6026)*
      1. BP 6026
      2. AP 6026
    7. Institution set standards (ISS)
    8. Mission fulfillment indicators
    9. Integrated Education Master Plan (IEMP) Evaluation Report
    10. ACCT Governance Leadership Institute
    11. BOR master planning calendar
    12. 25th anniversary campaign update*
    13. Raymond James performance update & due diligence review (Guam)
    14. Auditor’s update (Guam)
    15. Friends of the COM-FSM update (Guam)
  12. Executive Session
    1. Evaluation of the President
      1. BP on Assessing President
      2. AP on Assessing President
  13. Next Meeting
  14. Adjournment

*action items
