May 24, 2018
Blue Plate Café, Career & Technical Education Center (Pohnpei State)
- Call to order; Moment of Silent Prayer
- Reading of Mission Statement-
- Roll Call; Declaration of Quorum
- Review of Agenda*
- Approval of Minutes
- Communications
- Regent’s Report
- President’s Report
- Old Business
- Final report on the Economic Impact Study
- New business
- PMU presentation on IDP process and status of current and near future college projects
- Review of BP 1320 Attendance and Vacancies*
- Review of BP 1330 Evaluation*
- Substantive Change Proposal for BS in Elementary Education*
- Academic Policies Review*
- Fiscal Policies Review*
- BP 5001 Budget Preparation and Approval
- BP 5002 Budget Reprogramming
- BP 5003 Use of Positive Fund Balance
- BP 5004 Increase in Approved Budget Expenditure
- BP 5101 Funds Maintained
- BP 5102 Separation of Restricted and Unrestricted Funds
- BP 5103 Funds from the FSM Government
- BP 5104 Drawing Down Compact Funds Policy
- BP 5350 Travel Policy
- Updating Fixed Assets Register*
- New COM-FSM Bank Account with Bank of Guam*
- Review of BP 6027 Tuition Waiver and Reduction*
- New Policy Proposal BP 6033 Personnel Policies*
- Revision to BP 8800 Information Technology Equipment Policy*
- Revision to BP 8810 Portable Computer Equipment Policy*
- Deletion of BP 8820 Survey Policy*
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
- Board of Regents Professional Development Plan
- Executive Session
- Next Meeting
- Adjournment
*action items