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March 21, 2019
Kosrae State

  1. Call to order; Moment of Silent Prayer
  2. Reading of Mission Statement-
  3. Roll Call; Declaration of Quorum
  4. Review of Agenda
  5. Approval of Minutes
    1. December 05, 2018*
  6. Communications
  7. Regent’s Report
  8. President’s Report
    1. President
    2. Administrative Services
      1. Financial Status Report
    3. Institutional Effectiveness and Quality Assurance
    4. Instructional Affairs
    5. Enrollment Management and Student Services
    6. Faculty Staff Senate
    7. Student Body Association
  9. Old Business
  10. New business
    1. Review of Fiscal Policies*
      1. BP 5105 Receipt of Cash and Collection Policy
      2. BP 5106 Petty Cash Fund
      3. BP 5500 Financial Reporting
      4. BP 5607 Non-Payment of Plants, Trees, Crops Planted on College Property
    2. Revisions to Fiscal Policies
      1. BP 5109 Imprest Fund
      2. BP 5302 Processing of Purchase
      3. BP 5303 Processing Payment Policy
      4. BP 5330 Payroll Policy
      5. BP 5331 Attendance and Leave Monitoring Policy
      6. BP 5601 Establishment of Accountability and Movement of Assets
      7. BP 5700 Bookstore Operation Policy
      8. BP 5721 Dining Hall Operation Policy
    3. Revisions to Retirement Plan*
    4. Review of Human Resources Policy BP 6022*
      1. BP 6022 Employee Organization
    5. New Human Resources Policy BP 6034*
      1. BP 6034 Professional Dress Guidelines
    6. Emergency Management Plan Discussion
      1. Emergency Management Plan
    7. Review of Academic Policies Relating to Baccalaureate Degree*
      1. BP 1110 Assessment
      2. BP 1500 Roles of the Campuses
      3. BP 1530 Baccalaureate Degree Programs
      4. BP 3001 Catalog Limitations
      5. BP 3101 Academic Program Requirements
      6. BP 3202 Instructional Program Review
      7. BP 4204 Admission to Third-Year Certificate of Achievement Program in Teacher Preparation-Elementary
      8. BP 4210 Admission to Fourth-Year Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education
    8. Review of Other Academic Policies*
      1. BP 3116 Academic Honesty
      2. BP 3117 Withdrawal for Students for Absences
      3. BP 3118 Credit Load and Overload
    9. Revision of Academic Policy BP 3119*
      1. BP 3119 Credits
    10. Review of Board Policy BP1401*
      1. BP 1401 Limitation on Authorized Expenditures
    11. Elimination of Board Policy BP 1410*
      1. BP 1410 Annual Budget
  11. Executive Session
    1. Evaluation of the President*
    2. Board self-evaluation*
  12. Next Meeting
  13. Adjournment

*action items

