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April 13, 2023
11:00 AM Pohnpei and Kosrae Time | 10:00 AM Chuuk and Yap Time

  1. Call to Order; Moment of Silence
  2. Reading of Mission Statement
  3. Roll Call; Declaration of Quorum
  4. Review and Adoption of Agenda
  5. Approval of Minutes
    1. November 21-22, 2022, Meeting*
  6. Communications
    1. MCT “Climate Resilient Food Security for Farming Households Across the Federated States of Micronesia” Project
    2. FSM R & D GEF-6 FSM Invasive Alien Species Project Partneship Agreement
  8. Regents’ Reports
  9. President’s Report
    1. President
    2. Vice President for Administrative Services
      1. Financial Status
      2. Updates
    3. Vice President for Cooperative Research and Extension
    4. Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Services
    5. Vice President for Instructional Affairs
    6. Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Quality Assurance
  10. Old Business
  11. New Business
    1. Review of Board of Regents Policies (Chapter 1) *
      1. BP 1350-Baccalaureate Programs
    3. Review of Instructional Affairs Policies (Chapter 3) *
      1. BP 3116-Academic Honesty
      2. BP 3117-Withdrawal for Students for Absences
      3. BP 3118-Credit Load and Credit Overload
      4. BP 3119-Credits
    4. Review of Student Services Policies (Chapter 4) *
      1. BP 4902-Student Clubs and Organizations
      2. BP 4907-Banned Weapons
      3. BP 4908-Threats of Violence
      4. BP 4909-Acts of Violence
      5. BP 4910-Being an Accessory to Violence
      6. BP 4911-Use of Banned Weapon Together With Any Other Forms of Violence
      7. BP 4912-Use of Alcohol in the Commission of the Act of Violence
    5. Review of Fiscal Policies (Chapter 5) *
      1. BP 5102-Separation of Restricted and Unrestricted Funds
      2. BP 5103-Funds from FSM Government
      3. BP 5104-Drawing Down Compact Funds
    6. RFP: Personnel Audit
    7. Resolution — Jesse Salalu
    8. Review of the Board By-Law
  12. Executive Session
  13. Next Meeting
  14. Adjournment

*Action Item

