Removal of Restricted Communities on Campus.

The best news is that FSM remains COVID-19 free as of this update due to the measures taken by the national and state governments. Since the island borders are essentially closed, the college will be removing the restricted community for residence halls and FMI students effective April 21, 2020.  Students will be allowed to move about the entire campus, but residence hall staff or proper authority at FMI must approve trips off campus. This will remain in effect unless the state notifies the public of a suspected case or confirmed case of COVID-19.  Once there is a suspected case or confirmed case, the restricted community will be reactivated.

Students Returning Home

Yapese students that left Pohnpei to Chuuk by United and traveled by ship from Chuuk to Yap Proper arrived safely on Thursday, April 16. Kosrae students left Pohnpei on Sunday, April 12 and arrived safely in Kosrae.

FMI has 15 students graduating in mid-May. Seven students are from Pohnpei and six students from Chuuk. The college is working to find ways for these students to return home after graduation. Continue to monitor these updates to learn the details.

Summer 2020 Session

The college is waiting for news from the accrediting commission on flexibility in modes of delivery options for a possible summer session.  The college should have more details in the next two weeks.  Information will be published as it becomes available.
