The College continues to monitor national and state declarations regarding COVID-19 with the safety and health of students, faculty, and staff as our priority. Some of the Pacific Islands are the few countries remaining COVID-19 free. FSM President Panuelo has issued a message to all citizens and residents asking for continued cooperation in preventing spread of this virus.

Updates at the college are:

  • Remaining in the residence halls, as of today, are 70 students — 23 from Kosrae, 39 from Yap, and eight from Chuuk. We have 33 students from Yap who are currently in Chuuk awaiting for MVH1’s departure for Yap (29 left Pohnpei for Chuuk on March 22, and four on March 29). Hotel and food accommodations were extended to these students while they are awaiting for MVH1’s departure. Voyager is now scheduled to leave for Kosrae on April 8. We will provide assistance to any of the 23 students from Kosrae if they want to take the ship home.


Female Resident Hall 320-4688
Male Residence Hall 320-2445
FSM-FMI 350-5395
  • Office of Admissions, Record and Retention (OARR) is open every Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, to provide services, such as processing of transcripts and issuance of degrees and certificates.
  • Financial Aid Office continues to work on Enrollment File Roster (ERR) with the NSLDS USDOE certifying campus enrollment and program enrollment.
  • PPMO comes in twice a week and process mails for delivery notice to staff and faculty. Mail is available on Wednesday and Friday. Call 320-2480 ext. 138/139
  • The college will publish the list of graduates for spring 2020 along with the Valedictorian and Salutatorian.
  • Summer session 2020 depends on the status of the state and national public health declarations. The college will keep publishing updates for a possible summer session.
  • This week, the Presidential Search Committee published the official announcement advertising the employment opportunity for the next President of COM-FSM. We request all to share the opportunity widely around your professional networks.
  • Applicants are advised to check details. The deadline for applications is May 30th 2020. Though hard-copy paper applications are accepted, with very high risks of postal delays, we strongly recommend all applicants to upload documents to Google Drive or Dropbox and share with Confidential enquiries may also be made through this address.

Continue to practice good hand washing and social distancing. Again taking a moment or two of silence…………………… for everyone in the world and particularly health care and essential workers.
