Dear College Community,

At this time, I am pleased to share with you the recent action letter of July 2, 2012, from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges.  As you know, the college was placed on warning June 30, 2010, and subsequently placed on probation June 30, 2011, as per previous Commission action letters.  

March 15, 2012, the college reported on the remaining recommendations for which we were on sanction in a Follow-Up Report — recommendations 1, 2, 6, and 8.  A two-member visiting team assessed the college and its progress towards resolving these recommendations April 23 – 25, 2012, and submitted their own report to the Commission, a Follow-Up Evaluation Report.  The college subsequently submitted a Supplemental Report on May 15, 2012.  These reports are available under the accreditation reports archive on the website.

COM-FSM Follow Up Report, March 15, 2012.  Retrieved from

Follow Up Evaluation Report, April 23 – 25, 2012.  Retrieved from

COM-FSM Supplemental Report, May 15, 2012.  Retrieved from

Today, the Commission has announced the college shall continue another year on probation with a combined Follow-Up and Midterm Report due on March, 15, 2013, followed by a team visit.  This is incredibly good news, as the college has been allowed to continue beyond the two-year rule, which is the time allowed for an institution to resolve any sanctions. 

The Commission action letter stated, “College of Micronesia [sic] has made significant progress in addressing the issues and deficiencies that were identified in the 2010 comprehensive evaluation team report and the team’s recommendations.”  Changes to college governance and communications were noted as “impressive” and the Commission further noted increased involvement of personnel in “designing and implementing plans for improvement” as “an important accomplishment.” 

The Commission posited COM-FSM is on a “sound path toward improvement” and stated their confidence in the college to “demonstrate full compliance and resolution of all issues by March 2013.”

ACCJC Action Letter, July 2, 2012.  Retrieved from

You may note the action letter lists several recommendations, and that is because our Midterm Report must contain a review of all recommendations identified in 2010.  As emphasized in the action letter, we are still an accredited institution.

I would like to take this time to thank each and every one of you for your dedication, hard work, and shared commitment to the success of COM-FSM. I am looking forward to another year of continuous improvements and quality assurance as we together grow a model institution for the Pacific, serving our students with pride.  I share the Commission’s confidence in your capacity.

Warmest Regards,

Joseph M. Daisy, Ed.D.

President, COM-FSM
